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ZP ROOF PAINT is a single-component, flexible, ready-to-use, liquid decorative and waterproofing membrane based on acrylic dispersion. The compound is intended for decorative coatings with waterproofing properties on roofs made of tar paper, eternit, metal sheet, ceramic and concrete tiles, wood and small garden architecture elements such as flower pots, concrete elements, pergolas, arbours, gazebos, fences. When dry, it forms a durable, seamless, flexible, water-resistant decorative insulation coating. The coating has high adhesion to the substrate and the ability to cover cracks up to 3 mm, and is UV resistant.

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ZP Roof Paint

ZP ROOF PAINT is a flexible, single-component decorative and sealing membrane based on acrylic dispersion. It is ready-to-use and designed for use on roofs made of roofing felt, eternit, sheet metal, ceramic and concrete tiles, wood and small garden architectural elements such as flower pots, concrete elements, pergolas, gazebos, gazebos and fences. When dry, it forms a durable, water-resistant paint with insulating and decorative properties. The paint has high adhesion to the substrate, can cover cracks up to 3 mm and is UV resistant.


ZP ROOF PAINT is a ready-to-use, single-component and highly flexible decorative and waterproofing membrane based on acrylic dispersion. It is excellent for creating decorative coatings with waterproofing properties on a variety of roof types such as felt, eternit, sheet metal, ceramic tile, concrete tile and wood, as well as on small garden architectural elements such as flower pots, pergolas, gazebos and fences. When dry, it forms a durable, seamless, highly flexible and waterproof decorative insulation coating. The roof paint has extremely high adhesion to the substrate, covers cracks up to 3 mm perfectly and is resistant to harmful UV radiation.

Summary of the advantages of ZP ROOF PAINT:

  • highly elastic scratch-bridging coating
  • waterproof
  • good covering properties
  • high adhesion to various substrates
  • does not run off vertical surfaces
  • UV resistant
  • weather-resistant
  • for indoor and outdoor use
  • for dry and damp substrates
  • is ready to use after mixing
  • to be applied by brush or roller, also spraying

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

RAL 9016 (white), RAL 7045 (gray), RAL 7024 (graphite)


  • protective and decorative coatings on roofing felt, roofing shingles, ceramic tiles, eternit, metal roofing tiles
  • protection of small garden architectural elements, e.g. concrete walls, wooden elements, arbours, pergolas, pots, fences

Technical data

  • consumption: approx. 0.5 – 1.0 kg/m²2/coat
  • Time between application of individual layers: approx. 4 h
  • recommended number of coats: minimum 2
  • air and substrate temperature during application: from 5°C to 30°C
  • drying time: max 12 h
  • Available in 3 colors according to RAL:
    • RAL 9016 (white)
    • RAL 7045 (gray)
    • RAL 7024 (graphite)
  • shelf life: 12 months
  • packaging: 10 kg

Directions for use

Substrate preparation

The substrate should be sound, dry or damp, even (without cavities or cracks) and free of impurities such as: oils, cement milk, dust, old coatings and any signs of biological aggression. Older membrane layers with weakened adhesion, brittle or peeling should be removed. The defects should be filled with roofing felt or ZP ROOFING COMPOUNDputty, so that the roof surface is even Tile roofs should be free of corrosion and loose paint flakes.


Before application, the contents of the pack should be mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency of uniform colour is obtained. The mass must not be diluted. The product should be applied to the prepared, primed substrate by brush, roller or spraying in a minimum of two working operations.

The second coat should be applied after approximately 4h, crosswise to the first coat. Surfaces coated with ZP ROOF PAINT should be protected from rain, dew, fog, low temperatures and strong sunlight until completely dry.


  • product contains water – do not store or use at temperatures below 5°C
  • wear protective clothing, goggles and gloves when working
  • store in original sealed packaging, in a cool and dry place
  • protect from direct sunlight
  • clean tools with water immediately after use
  • carry out the work in accordance with the rules of the trade, the standards and the relevant health and safety regulations.
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