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ZP ASPHALT MASS is a water-soluble bituminous coating enriched with synthetic latex. It is used for priming substrates prior to the application of proper bituminous coatings and thermo-weldable membranes, for the application of light-type bituminous insulation, and for sealing and renovating surfaces covered with bituminous membranes or fibre-cement boards. It can also be applied to maintain corroded concrete or wooden surfaces. It forms a flexible layer resistant to aggressive media present in the ground, to weathering and extends the life of the roofing felt.

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ZP ASPHALT MASS is a water-based bituminous coating enriched with synthetic latex. It is used to prime substrates prior to the application of bituminous coatings and thermo-weldable membranes, as well as to seal and renovate surfaces covered with bitumen or fibre cement boards. It is also an effective way to maintain corroded concrete or wooden surfaces. ZP ASPHALT MASS forms a flexible coating that protects against aggressive factors in the ground and atmospheric conditions, which prolongs the life of bituminous coverings. It is a product to consider if you are looking for an effective way to insulate a surface or seal a roof.


ZP ASPHALT MASS is a flexible and waterproof product ideal for insulating and sealing a variety of surfaces. The highly elastic coating provides a durable seal and protection against water. Asphalt mastic does not run off vertical surfaces, making it easy to apply. What’s more, the product is safe to use with polystyrene foam, is nonaggressive and contains water. The asphalt compound can be applied to dry and damp substrates, and its readiness for use after mixing makes it easy to apply. It can be applied with a brush or roofing brush. Try the asphalt compound for durable and effective insulation!

Summary of the advantages of ZP ASPHALT MASS:

  • highly elastic coating
  • quick resistance to water
  • does not run off vertical surfaces
  • safe to use on polystyrene foam
  • for dry and damp substrates
  • ready for use after mixing
  • can be applied with a brush or roofer’s brush

See other products from the asphalt waterproofing category in our shop.

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

10 kg, 20 kg


  • priming of substrates for any type of surface waterproofing after a 1:1 dilution with water
  • protecting concrete against corrosion and moisture
  • seamless roofing with technical fabric reinforcement
  • self-adhesive waterproofing coatings of the lightweight type
  • priming under all types of weldable membranes
  • impregnation of wooden surfaces, e.g. garden architecture (wood in the ground)
  • renovation and maintenance of roofing felt.

Technical data

  • consumption:
    • priming – 0.2kg/
    • waterproofing layer – 1,5 kg//mm
    • roofing – 0,5 kg/
  • recommended number of coats: 1-2 (depending on application)
  • air and substrate temperature during application: from 5°C to 30°C
  • drying time: max. 12 h (for one coat)
  • shelf life: 12 months
  • plastic packaging 10 kg and 20 kg

Directions for use

Substrate preparation

The substrate should be dry or dull damp, even (without cavities and cracks) and free from impurities, i.e.: oils, cement laitance, old coatings. Any defects should be filled with cement mortar, and the joints of vertical and horizontal surfaces should be faceted. Before applying the proper coating, the surface should be primed with ZP ASPHALT MASS diluted 1:1 with water.


Mix the contents of the package thoroughly before application. The compound should be applied on the prepared, primed substrate with a brush, roller or roofing brush. The product can also be applied by spraying, using specialist equipment. When applying to an old felt substrate, it is recommended to apply two coats with a working interval (minimum 12 h), one coat is sufficient for a new felt covering. Always apply the waterproofing layer in two working operations, observing the interval needed for the material to dry (minimum 12 h). The excavation can be backfilled at the earliest two days after the last layer has been applied. The waterproofing layer should be protected against mechanical damage. Protection of the insulation should be carried out in accordance with current standards.


  • product contains water – do not store or use at temperatures below 5°C
  • do not use in contact with tar and tarred membranes
  • do not heat, apply cold
  • wear protective clothing, goggles and gloves when working
  • protect from moisture until completely dry
  • once cured, the product is frost and rain resistant
  • store in original sealed packaging, in a cool and dry place
  • protect from direct sunlight
  • clean tools with water, after drying with an organic solvent.
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